Course: Creating Scientific Illustrations in Tromsø

April 25th – April 29th

Image: Colourbox

The course will cover:

  • Principles of design and visual communication
  • How to apply these principles to illustration and graphic design, which in turn will inform all visual material you might want to create, including; graphical abstracts, presentation slides, poster presentations, journal articles, graphs, data visualization, project logos, and outreach material.
  • Best practices for poster and slide presentation design
  • Step by step method on how to draw your own research
  • Introduction to sketching by hand
  • Crash course in digital illustration with Adobe Illustrator or Gravit

By the end of the course, you will have practiced the theory and methods discussed in class by creating an illustration of your own research. Taking your ideas from conceptualization to final digital artwork.

Lecturer. Pina Kingman is a biomedical illustrator and animator. She holds a BSc in Cell Biology and Genetics from the University of British Columbia and an MSc in Biomedical Communication from the University of Toronto.

Open for. All IBA members. Travel and accommodation will be funded for IBA PhD/research track students and postdocs only.

Deadline for application:
March 21st